lundi 22 juin 2015

Each G2000 Gaming Headphone with USB and Audio Jack Dual Input

 Very excellent quality



These headphones are different EACH G2000 that over-ear and in-bud headphones we've tried in the past two years ... and we like that a lot. They actually remind me earphones years ago - the cups are sitting around outside our ears, not the ear itself, so our ears remained colder than the guy on the ear, even after a few hours of use.

These headphones sound very nice and we recommend them to others looking for affordable, wired PC headset or USB PS4 game. They have a good sound through the registry, absolutely nothing spectacular, but very nice. They are comfortable to wear; most trials were carried out with the USB connection to the PS4 our son and he thought these good results in all aspects except for the microphone.


My son loved the function of light on each new cup and microphone boom - when you put the power of these headphones outside the ear and the tip of microphone boom light beautifully. In addition, the unit has an in-line volume control on the cord that controls the volume. When you turn up the volume online and crank up the output of the sending unit as you can get this headset to produce a good volume.


Although we did not find information about the warranty, if any problem occurs in a reasonable period of time, I would stay here to update the review and you know what the problem was and how the resolution was handled. We received this Seller gratis headphones and implement them to find objectively the way they worked. My statements herein reflect the tests.

If you are looking for affordable wired headset of this style, size, price, performance and construction, for a similar use that I described above, then my son would recommend giving these Kingtop EACH G2000 Wired Over-Ear an essay based on his experience with them ... if the microphone boom position works for you. We received several pairs of different vendors to test.Recommended. 

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