mardi 21 février 2017

How To Make Caramel Cake — Baking Lessons from The Kitchn

My heart beats a little faster when I talk about caramel cake. The tender yellow cake, the thick, crystalline frosting that marries caramelized sugar and butter — it's an easy cake to fall in love with.

The very best caramel cakes are anything but simple; the yellow cake must only carry the whisper of caramel flavor and be both tender and sturdy enough to support the frosting, which is the real star of the show. The frosting on a caramel cake is a true masterpiece — a thick, whipped caramel that will make you close your eyes in pleasure with every bite. If caramel is your weak spot, this recipe will teach you the way, step by caramelized step.


from Recipe | Kitchn

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