vendredi 10 février 2017

How To Make a Classic Martini — Cocktail Lessons from The Kitchn

A Martini is one of the most iconic and classic cocktails around. It's also one that not a lot of people agree on when it comes to making it the best way. Gin or vodka? Stirred or shaken? Ice shards or double strained? Lemon twist or olives? Blue cheese stuffed? Dirty?

Point being, how you like your Martini is probably different than how your aunt likes hers. Despite this, you and your aunt can both agree that crafting a great Martini at home can make you feel as classy and sophisticated as they come!

Because there are so many options, it's always good to start with the tried-and-true classic recipe for a Martini before you get to customizing your own. As we dive into the recipe, let's take a look at how such an elegant two-ingredient cocktail can have so many people divided.


from Recipe | Kitchn

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