mercredi 1 octobre 2014

The Challenges In Buying Green Coffee Extract

By Edward Pompei

With obesity rates soaring up the roof these days, it comes as no surprise why a lot of people are looking for that magic supplement that will give them the body they've been craving for. Today, among the most highly talked about supplement is that from green coffee. So why would you want to buy green coffee extract anyway? If you've been watching the Dr. Oz show, you'd be amazed with the reasons.

While you may think that it is the caffeine that helps trigger weight-loss in your body, the truth is that it has to do with something else, and it is a substance called chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is also known as green coffee antioxidant (GCA) and it has the ability to influence a person's metabolism and the absorption of glucose. It is known to give the feeling of fullness and provide stable energy levels.

Green coffee beans are not really very different from the kind of coffee we are used to seeing, but the difference is that green coffee does not undergo roasting. By taking away the roasting process, green coffee is able to maintain its high level of chlorogenic acid that regular coffee has so little of. In a study conducted by Dr. Oz, those who took the extract lost an average of about 2 pounds.

If you want to be sure that you buy green coffee extract that is high quality, you will have to make sure that it has at least 45% chlorogenic acid. This amount was recommended by Dr. Oz since it was the same amount used in his experiments. It is unsure whether the efficacy will be affected if the chlorogenic acid is lower. The doctor also did not mention any particular brand of product in his show.

Another important thing to consider before you buy green coffee extract is the list of ingredients. The label should clearly state the ingredients from which the supplement was made and it must not contain any additives, fillers, or any artificial stuff. Also, not all supplements that claim it is made from pure coffee bean extract and that's why it is best to purchase products from reputable manufacturers only.

The minimum dosage for each capsule of green coffee extract should be 400mg. It is also not unusual to come across products that provide as much as 800mg per serving. The ideal time for taking this supplement is 30 minutes before your main meals. It is also important to remember that you should drink plenty of water throughout the day as this also helps significantly in the weight-loss process.

One instance when you should not buy green coffee extract is when you are pregnant or are breast-feeding. This is mainly because no sufficient evidence has been gathered that will verify that it is safe for consumption in this situation. The same can be said for individuals below 18 years old. To be on the safe side, always make it a point to consult your doctor before taking any weight loss supplement.

Even though it would sound nice to simply buy green coffee extract and consume it regularly to lose weight instantly, you shouldn't depend on it completely. Keep in mind that there is still no substitute for having a balanced diet and regular exercise. The best way to lose weight and keep it off for the long term is by having discipline with your eating and exercise habits.

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